Who: Curly hair
What: Styling serum for curls
Where: Chalk Salon & Co.
When: You needed this like, yesterday!
Why: This supercharged styling serum for all textured hair. Curls are defined and coarse straight hair becomes more manageable. Protects against heat + UV + humidity + color fade without weighing the hair down.
How: Shampoo and then condition with Iles Formula. Comb the conditioner through from roots to ends to separate curls. This should be the last time you attempt to comb your curls until dried. Rinse the conditioner in a downward direction instead of back. Refrain from adding friction to your curls with a towel, instead, lean over and squeeze the water out so that the curl remains in shape. The Iles Formula absorbent hair turban is the perfect towel for this purpose. Apply the Iles Formula Curl Revive liberally throughout the hair. Try not to disturb the curls too much. Dry either with a diffuser or allow the hair to dry naturally. Next day freshen curls by dampening with water and re-applying Iles Formula Curl Revive.